Despite its low weight of only 7.5 kg, the new DS3 Dodecahedron Loudspeaker consistently delivers up to 121 dB sound power level for extended periods of time, using 12 5-inch speakers. The high output is suitable for testing in rooms with lots of background noise, and the sturdy grids and housing are designed to take the knocks of everyday usage, even in hostile conditions such as construction sites.
The new DS3 Dodecahedron Loudspeaker is delivered in a set with a speaker stand and the PA3 Power Amplifier, carrying bag and Speakon cable, offering a complete signal source for room & building acoustic measurements. The dodecahedral design arranges 12 high-quality dynamic drivers for a uniform omnidirectional radiation of the acoustic test signal.
And NTi Audio knows how a reliable remote control can ease the workload, so the new solution was tested thoroughly. The user can switch the signal ON only when necessary and OFF without repeatedly walking around. And there will be no questions asked on the quality of the measurements, as this new Dodecahedron Speaker Set is compliant with ISO16283, ISO140, ISO3382 standards. Also, clients will appreciate the professional reports for Airborne, Impact and Facade sound insulation measurements produced by the combination with the XL2 Acoustic Analyzer and the Sound Insulation Reporter PC-Software.
The DS3 is driven by the new PA3 Power Amplifier, which has been optimized for high performance and ergonomic operation. The illuminated buttons, together with the angled front and rear panel provide a comfortable direct access to the control elements from a standing position. The built-in signal generator includes vital test signals, e.g. an equalized Pink noise for an acoustically-flat frequency response from the DS3. The equalization ensures that the ISO 16283-1 requirement of ≤ 8 dB difference between contiguous 1/3rd octave bands in the emitted sound is met.

The Dodecahedron Speaker Set from NTi Audio is an ideal choice for the experienced acoustic consultant, who is looking for a powerful, yet reliable and lightweight solution for professional measurements.
Read more about NTi’s Building Acoustics Test Solution here.