Targeting residential and commercial building automation, home appliances, toys and healthcare devices, the new ASSP supports multiple languages and user-defined keywords for voice-recognition operations. The foundation of a turnkey voice-control solution, the R9A06G150 is pre-programmed using specialized application code developed by independent design houses with a proven ability to bring customer designs to volume production.
The R9A06G150 RISC-V MCU ASSP is specifically optimized for voice and sound triggered human machine interfaces. Alongside ecosystem partners, this provides a complete, production-ready keyword spotting and recognition system solution. With 100 MHz performance, 256/128/16 KB of Flash/RAM/DataFlash memory, advanced digital and analog microphone input and playback interfaces, small package, and memory expansion options, the R9A06G150 provides the foundation for a turnkey voice HMI solution including Renesas specialized partners' software.
The chip is manufactured by Renesas and pre-programmed at the factory with specialized application code developed by independent design houses, third parties with demonstrated specialized expertise in the development and integration of keyword spotting and voice driven user interfaces with proven customer support capability, to bring the projects to completion and secure the successful transition to the mass-production stage. The end-product is composed of the combination of Renesas hardware and third-party software.
The introduction reinforces Renesas' position in the emerging market for the open-source RISC-V ISA (instruction set architecture) and follows introductions last year of a 32-bit motor-control ASSP and 64-bit general-purpose RZ/Five MPUs based on a 64-bit RISC-V CPU.
"Renesas continues to broaden our RISC-V MCU/MPU offering, in this case by delivering designers an innovative voice-command HMI with pre-developed software that shortens development time and time to market," says Roger Wendelken, Senior Vice President in Renesas’ IoT and Infrastructure Business Unit. "Through close collaboration with the RISC-V partner ecosystem, this flexible, scalable ASSP solution allows customers interested in voice control to support different application classes on the same MCU hardware platform."
Renesas’ new R9A06G150 voice-control HMI ASSP is based on RISC-V processing IP from Andes Technology Corp., which incorporated its AndesCore D25F CPU core based on the AndeStar™ V5 architecture. "We are excited to be part of Renesas' turnkey voice control solution," adds Frankwell Lin, Andes’ Chairman and CEO. "The 32-bit AndesCore D25F was engineered to deliver high per-MHz performance in a small silicon footprint. Major mixed-signal ASSP developers such as Renesas can thus concentrate on their core engineering innovation and outsource non-critical elements of their design to CPU core suppliers such as Andes."
Renesas will deliver the first RISC-V voice-control ASSP pre-programmed with dedicated application code developed by leading independent design house, Cyberon, an expert in voice-recognition technology, and Orbstar, a systems integrator specializing in embedded solutions. As they did with Renesas’ previous motor control ASSP, SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH will provide support for the voice-control ASSP with its complete ecosystem, including Embedded Studio and J-Link.

Renesas Voice Control HMI with RISC-V ASSP solution, employs the R9A06G150 and other compatible devices from the Renesas portfolio to support general-purpose voice-control HMI systems. This integrated, pre-programmed, turnkey solution, adds HMI voice control capability without any user code programming, and can be used in hands-free interfaces for connected devices or smart appliance applications. The complete reference design enables customized wake-up words and commands and supports multiple languages. Renesas’ Winning Combinations are technically vetted system architectures from mutually compatible devices that work together seamlessly to bring an optimized low-risk design for a faster time to market. Renesas offers more than 300 Winning Combinations with a wide range of products from the Renesas portfolio to enable customers to speed up the design process and bring their products to market more quickly. They can be found at renesas.com/win.
The R9A06G150 32-bit MCU voice-control HMI ASSP solution is available now.