HEAD acoustics was founded in 1986 and has been involved in noise and vibration, electroacoustic and voice quality testing since its inception. The Telecom Division of HEAD acoustics manufactures telecom test equipment and provides consulting services in the field of speech and audio quality. Moreover, HEAD acoustics closely co-operates with DECT Forum, ETSI, ITU-T, 3GPP, TIA, CTIA, GSMA and other standardization bodies with regard to the development of quality standards for voice transmission and speech communication. In many partnership projects, HEAD acoustics has proven its competence and capabilities in conducting tests and optimizing communication products with respect to speech and audio quality under end-to-end as well as mouth-to-ear scenarios.
Now, VoCAS has an extended and flexible channel selection for recording and playback. This means that there is no longer a limitation to two channels. In addition, the audio configuration dialog provides the user with visual feedback during calibration and mouth equalization. The efficient software allows an objective and quick quality evaluation of voice control systems under realistic and reproducible test conditions. In addition, VoCAS is an optimal tool for fast benchmarking of different ASR systems or software versions.

Since VoCAS supports the new modular multi-channel front end labCORE, the possibilities for evaluating voice control system in connected products like smart speakers is greatly enhanced. Thanks to the labCORE integration, the new VoCAS version provides an extended and more flexible channel selection. VoCAS also allows an objective and quick quality evaluation of voice control systems under realistic and reproducible test conditions.