When Grimm Audio introduced the LS1s-DMF in 2016 they took the original Philips' motional feedback concept of the 70's and improved it with modern sensors and DSP technology for its subwoofers. An essential element in these systems is an acceleration sensor that is mounted on the cone, which measures the radiated sound (for more on this approach read this article by Mike Klasco). With the experience of the past years, Grimm was able to improve both the performance and manufacturability of the woofer, which led to the SB1. The most noticeable update is a new driver which offers even lower distortion. Under the hood there are many more changes, from a new sensor to completely redesigned electronics and power supplies. The result is increased resonance control and even lower distortion.
Of course, the new SB1 sub is a perfect partner to Grimm Audio's LS1 series. The SB1 sub is a perfect partner for the LS1v2 and an excellent match for the LS1be. It is even a smart extension for the LS1a. A newly added switch facilitates use of the SB1 with third party systems, so the virtues of Digital Motional Feedback can also be enjoyed by many. As the company highlights, the SB1 is the smallest subwoofer on the market with a powerful linear response from 20Hz to 250Hz.

At frequencies below 100Hz, loudspeaker drivers need to move a vast amount of air and therefore have high excursion levels that cause distortion. Additionally the fundamental resonance – which is present in any loudspeaker – induces unwanted delayed effects. The result is that all conventional loudspeakers exhibit a rising distortion in the bass region with additional "thickening" of the bass by the resonance. Digital Motional Feedback reduces this distortion with almost 30dB and moves the resonance to frequencies below the threshold of hearing. “It is excitingly close to the bass truth,” states Eelco Grimm, Creative Director of Grimm Audio.
“The new SB1 consolidates the unique position we acquired with the LS1 DMF sub: resonance free bass power with extremely low distortion in a handsome little box. And with the new switch, these qualities are available to everyone,” he adds.