This edition of Voice Coil will also be available for all the visitors to the third edition of the Loudspeaker Sourcing Show, taking place October 16–18, at the Nansha Grand Hotel, Guangzhou, China. As in previous years, there will be several members of the Voice Coil team attending, and copies of audioXpress and the Loudspeaker Industry Sourcebook 2017 edition will also be distributed. The show is an all-inclusive solution for loudspeaker brand buyers, engineers, and their decision makers to meet directly with qualified loudspeaker factories over the course of this three-day event.
Always a busy month for the industry, Voice Coil will be also present at the 2017 edition of the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest (RMAF), being held at the Denver Marriott Tech Center Hotel in Denver, CO, from October 6–8, 2017. A great showcase for high-end loudspeaker manufacturers.
In this month's edition of Voice Coil, you will find an extensive and very useful directory of Amplifier and DSP Vendors, compiled by Nora Wong (Menlo Scientific, Ltd.). In this increasingly important category for the loudspeaker industry, this resource will be of great value to companies looking to identify potential suppliers.
In the always popular Acoustic Patents column, by James Croft (Croft Acoustical), this edition highlights the latest patent to be submitted, and granted to Bose Corp, regarding "Acoustic Resistive Elements for a Ported Transducer Enclosure." Credited to inventors Antonio M. Lage (Ashland, MA); Said Boluriaan; (Acton, MA); Eric C. Mitchell (Upton, MA); Ray Scott Wakeland; (Marlborough, MA); and John H. Wendell (Westford, MA) on behalf of the Framingham, MA, company, this patent is the latest in an interesting series of bass reflex and tuned pipe enclosure architectures explored by Bose, which James Croft reviews and explains in detail. The new patent describes a single chamber, single tuned, bass reflex enclosure system, using a more advanced, single Helmholtz tuned bass reflex design, with a port that is folded and extended. A great patent review with lots of informative details.
For the October 2017 Test Bench, Dickason characterizes the 745NEOBe, a pro sound 1.4” beryllium compression driver from Radian Audio and the updated CQQ76 ribbon tweeter from BoZhen New Audio Lab. Radian Audio, based in Orange, CA, is a major player in the OEM loudspeaker component business, with more than two decades of success under its belt, now benefiting from new ownership, management team, and investment from Fortune Sound, Inc., led by Dwight Tobiano. For this Test Bench, Radian Audio sent its new beryllium diaphragm 745NEOBe compression driver, together with its 745NEO iteration using an aluminum diaphragm for comparison, which costs six times less. The test focuses on the Radian 745NEOBe, but Dickason provides interesting objective comparisons of both models.

All this, and much more - including all the latest Industry Watch updates - is now included on Voice Coil October 2017, available on print and download for all registered subscribers. If you already subscribe, just go to - www.gotomyvcoil.com - to download it.
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