Audio Weaver already powers more than 50 million devices for many of the world’s best consumer and automotive brands, and DSP Concepts is now focusing on expanding its presence globally to better support all the brands in automotive and consumer products who rely on its solutions. Queretaro boasts a rich talent pool of the specialized engineers DSP Concepts needs as the company continues to grow. Having a presence in Queretaro will allow the company scale faster and help brands deliver exceptional audio experiences to consumers across the globe.
The Queretaro government has been in talks with DSP Concepts since late last year and will play a key role in helping the company attract local talent and tap into universities in the region to start training new engineers while they’re still in school.
"Building and deploying embedded audio features is extremely complex and requires a very distinct set of engineering skills, and Queretaro boasts a rich talent pool of the specialized engineers we need as we continue to grow our business," says Chin Beckmann, CEO of DSP Concepts. "We are confident that establishing a presence here will allow us to scale faster and help the brands we work with deliver exceptional audio experiences to consumers across the globe."
The Queretaro government has been in talks with DSP Concepts since late last year and will play a key role in helping the company attract local talent and tap into universities in the region to start training new engineers while they’re still in school.
"We’re very excited to have DSP Concepts open an office here and bring new opportunities for professionals both in Queretaro and across Mexico," says Marco Del Prete, the Secretary of Sustainable Development in Queretaro. "Not only will local talent get to work on interesting projects with cutting-edge technologies, they will also get to experience working for a company in which they have Silicon Valley equity, which is an important professional milestone in its own right."
The Queretaro office will be a critical engineering hub and the team there will operate in parallel with DSP Concepts’ development offices in Santa Clara, Boston, and Stuttgart.
"In addition to its impressive talent pool, Queretaro is an ideal location for our new design center because of its proximity to automotive and home appliance manufacturing plants," adds Tuan Nguyen, Vice President of Engineering at DSP Concepts. "It is also relatively close to our home base in California, which makes cross-office collaboration easy and convenient."
Francisco Domínguez, the Governor of Queretaro emphasized the importance of the job opportunities DSP Concepts will bring to the region. "We know that DSP Concepts will thrive in Querétaro's world-class infrastructure. The creation of highly specialized jobs will be part of a growth model that favors the development of high technology in the State. DSP Concepts will be able to collaborate with any of the 52 public and private research and development centers in the state and participate in the cluster of information technology."