The acoustics focus continues with a DIY perspective, first with Thomas Perazella detailing his personal journey on designing and configuring the treatments in his new listening room. In "Taming the Gorilla," Perazella addresses the "800-pound gorilla," which is the room itself and what needs to be considered for good sound reproduction in a home environment.
Next up, Ethan Winer, writes "An Introduction to Measuring Rooms," which was a topic he was inspired to address after reading a comment in our magazine about the need to "know your room." His article, written from a very practical perspective that can be attempted by everyone, explains the importance of understanding the acoustics of our own listening rooms and how a proper measurement will help us with that essential knowledge.
In his regular Sound Control column for audioXpress, Richard Honeycutt writes an interesting piece titled "Zooming Toward Better Online Audio." Like all of us, in the past year and a half, he was deeply committed to teleconferencing and using the available Zoom, Skype, and other online conferencing platforms. In this article, he addresses the acoustic conditions for those online meetings as well as real in-person meeting rooms, from his acoustician's perspective.

And this edition of audioXpress also features the definitive review of Audio Precision's APx517B Acoustic Analyzer. The Beaverton, OR-based audio test-and-measurement specialist placed a strong emphasis on this new solution, which debuted at the end of 2020. Primarily targeted at production test applications, the APx517B supplements AP's powerful product line of analyzers, which are considered the gold standard in audio measurement. In his review, David Logvin explores multiple audio measurements with this fully integrated hardware.
Another great article in this edition is "Parameter Estimation and Box Simulation with Speakerbench," written by Claus Futtrup and Jeff Candy. The two authors investigate leakage loss as identified with an advanced transducer model and verified with measurements. This is compared to classical Thiele-Small modeling with the intention to motivate the reader to further explore advanced parameter estimation and box simulation with the Speakerbench Speaker Design Calculations online tool. It is a great two-part article series that will conclude in the September edition of audioXpress - the Speaker Focus issue.
And this edition will certainly be appreciated by all the readers interested in audio electronics and DIY, as we conclude two very interesting articles from experts in the field. The first article is the final part of the DH-220C MOSFET Power Amplifier article by Bob Cordell and Rick Savas. Now detailing the construction and testing, this reference DIY project describes an upgrade construction project for the legendary Hafler DH-220 lateral MOSFET power amplifier, but it can also be used to upgrade other Hafler models or even inspire new designs.
In "A New Type of Amplifier for Direct Driving Loudspeakers," author Paul Marchese concludes his journey exploring an intriguing concept of an amplifier that behaves as a voltage source (VS) at low frequencies, then acts as a current source (CS) at higher frequencies. In the second and final part of the VSCS amplifier project, the author explores a practical feedback network on the voltage feedback side and examines the power delivered to a fairly accurate loudspeaker load and the non-ideal effects of a real-world power amplifier as well as variations of the design. A project for which audioXpress welcomes contributions from readers interested in building and evaluating its merits in actual loudspeakers. Speaker builders welcome!

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