This will be the first introductory event in APEI's Supply Chain and Sourcing education pillar. In this webinar, Mike Klasco, CEO, Menlo Scientific and APEI's chair of the Supply Chain and Sourcing education pillar will address the methods, practices, economics and politics of the hardware, software and development services that go into every audio product produced. "Long established relationships, trustworthy suppliers that know what we want and need, are losing their position as viable vendors," explains Klasco. "Where do we go from here?"
In this webinar, Mike Klasco will be adjoined by two highly experienced guests - Dave Lindberg (CEO, DB Enterprises HK, Ltd.) and Dan Digre (President at MISCO Speakers, Oaktron Aerospace, and Warkwyn Labs, Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul). Together they will address the challenges in the supply chain caused by the rising cost of goods from China, the tariff wars, the Hong Kong struggles, and the dynamics of the global pandemic. The emergence of new suppliers in Asia and what part of the audio business can brought back home will also be explored in detail.
"Over the last few decades we have all grown complacent with sourcing our products, or at least most of our components, from China. Long established relationships, trustworthy suppliers that know what we want and need, are losing their position as viable vendors," explains Klasco. "But running away to Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and other countries won't help much either as the key parts vendors for Southeast Asia (and beyond) are still in China. And those countries are all finding themselves bathed in the first waves of brands exploring their options. For sure there are options, but it is going to take a lot of work getting through these times. Just do not expect that samples will come from new vendors as quickly as you are used to back in the good old days," adds Klasco.
The webinar will be followed by a live Q&A sessions with all 3 presenters.
Changes and Opportunities in Supply Chain and Sourcing
The Changing Global Dynamics, Managing Suppliers, Planning Your Options -- free webinar
August 26, 9:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time (12:00 PM Eastern)
Platinum Sponsor - Menlo Scientific
Registration for this free event is available at: https://tinyurl.com/APEI-AES-Sourcing1
APEI Presenters:
