In an appeal to AES stakeholders, AES President Agnieszka Roginska acknowledged that many AES members, and many among the Society’s manufacturer and service provider partners, are facing their own challenges in this time of global upheaval. “Others,” says Roginska in her letter, “may be in a more stable position and able to once again contribute to the Society. If it is within your ability, may we ask that you make a financial contribution to help see your AES through these unprecedented times?”
Since the launch of the campaign, numerous individuals have renewed their memberships, choosing in some cases to extend their membership by several years as an investment in the Society and their personal future in the industry. Campaign-specific contributions ranging from $5 to $4,500 USD have been made, totaling more than $23,000 USD. “The AES is extremely grateful for all contributions,” says Roginska.
Audio Engineering Society members and partners have a unique perspective on the benefits the Society brings to individuals for career advancement and to the audio industry as a whole. From the AES’s crucial Standards work, the promotion of audio research, the development of milestone events to education spanning the breadth of audio technology and its application, the Society has led the industry forward for more than 70 years.
Though the AES operates on a lean budget for an organization of its size, its small but dedicated staff and its volunteer leadership are tirelessly working to shepherd the Society through this generation-defining crisis, investigating myriad possible sources of sustaining income while exploring new initiatives to continue its mission and provide timely and relevant member benefits.
Every program and activity the Society is involved in, depends on member support. "Donations may be made on the AES website or via your PayPal account (use PayPal's "Send" function to route your donation directly to paypal@aes.org). No donation is too small.
As a special thank you, the AES will recognize individuals making contributions of $400 USD with a three-month Sustaining Member status; at $500 USD, contributing individuals will receive sustaining member status through December 2020. As a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, donations to AES by U.S. taxpayers are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Individuals and companies can also gift a membership to colleagues or friends facing economic challenges through the AES Gift Membership program.
"Working together, the AES will persevere," proclaims Roginska. "We appreciate your thoughtful consideration of this request. Visit AES.org to find out more about what the Audio Engineering Society has to offer and for ways that you can Listen, Learn and Connect with audio peers and pros around the world."
Celebrating over 70 years, the Audio Engineering Society now counts over 12,000 members throughout the U.S., Latin America, Europe, Japan and the Far East. The organization serves as the pivotal force in the exchange and dissemination of technical information for the industry. Currently, its members are affiliated with 90 AES professional sections and more than 120 AES student sections around the world. Section activities include guest speakers, technical tours, demonstrations and social functions. Through local AES section events members experience valuable opportunities for professional networking and personal growth.