Questions can range from how to select the correct acoustic sensor to details and specifications on PCB’s own products. “We have a diverse and experienced team of acoustic resources to draw upon for answering questions,” says Mark Valentino, Acoustics Product Manager at PCB. “The team includes people with experience in the Test, Automotive, Aerospace & Defense, Energy and Government sectors, and engineers that are on the ASA and IEC standards committees.”
“Ask the Acoustic Experts” is a web-based interface (www.pcb.com/acoustic-experts) that features a profile on each of the company’s experts and a question submission form. PCB’s team of engineers and scientists who design, test, manufacture, and support the acoustic products will respond to the questions submitted. Questions may also be emailed by clicking here.
This program is the latest addition to PCB’s customer educational resources which include videos, FAQs, white papers, and 3rd party reports. PCB also provides Acoustic “Lunch-and-Learn” seminars and sponsors full day training seminars with acoustic expert, Dr. Andrew Barnard from Michigan Technological University.
PCB Piezotronics, is a global manufacturer of measurement microphones, vibration, pressure, force, torque, load, and strain sensors, as well as the pioneer of ICP technology. This instrumentation is used for test, measurement, monitoring, and control requirements in automotive, aerospace, industrial, R&D, military, educational, commercial, OEM applications, and more. With a customer support team of more than 30 Customer Service Representatives and Application Engineers, PCB offers 24-hour technical support.