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ALMA at CES 2013

December 19 2012, 13:01

The Association of Loudspeaker Manufacturing and Acoustics (ALMA) Winter Symposium, “Product Development in the Global Paradigm: Acoustic Modeling, Measurement, and Manufacturing in the Modern Marketplace” will take place prior to CES, on January 6 and January 7, 2013, at The Tuscany Suites & Casino, 255 East Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, NV. This program is loaded with technical presentations covering microdrivers, microphones, hearing aids, and other transducer-related technology. Registration is open.

Seminars—The symposium program features two powerful half-day seminars taught by widely respected loudspeaker experts: “Moving Coil Transducer Motor Design,” facilitated by Richard Little, founder of Far North Electroacoustics, and “Miniature Speakers and Microphones: Design and Application,” facilitated by Osman Isvan, a renowned inventor and audio systems engineer.

Papers and tutorials—Papers and tutorials will feature: “Audio System Variance in Production Vehicles” by Dr. Steve Hutt; “Following Load Lines to your Working Points,” and “Reluctance to Optimize: Coercing the Most Out of Your Magnets” by Dr. David Hyre, CTO, Dyne Analytics; “Perception and Measurement of Headphones,” by Dr. Sean Olive, director of Acoustic Research for Harman International; “Fast, Quality Testing of Loudspeaker Suspension Parts and Passive Radiators,” by Robert Werner and Dr. Wolfgang Klippel; “Modeling the Large Signal Behavior of Micro-Speakers,” by Daniel Knobloch and Dr. Wolfgang Klippel; “Measurement of Harmonic Distortion Audibility Using a Simplified Psychoacoustic Model,” by Steve Temme, president, Listen; “Estimating Short and Long Term Power Requirements for Powered Speakers,” Tim Sheen, Sonos; “A Modern Approach to Bass Response Extension in Conventionally Sized Loudspeakers,” by Boaz Shalev, CTO, Atlantic Technology; “Estimating Short and Long Term Power Requirements for Powered Speakers,” by Tim Sheen, Sonos; “MoTIV Motor Modeling Software,” by Mark Beach and Dan Wiggins, DYNE Analytics; “A New Algorithm for Surround Sound,” by Spiro Iraclianos, Global Transducer engineer, Harman International Automotive Division; and “Fine Measurements with the FINE R+D System,” by Peter Larsen, president, Loudsoft.

Driver Award Banquet—The popular ALMA loudspeaker industry Driver Award Banquet is Sunday evening, January 6, also at The Tuscany Suites & Casino. Driver Awards will be given to deserving recipients in the following categories: The Beryllium Lifetime Achievement Award, which recognizes significant and sustained contributions to the loudspeaker industry over the lifetime of a career; the Titanium Driver Award, which recognizes a specific technical contribution, accomplishment, or expertise in the loudspeaker industry; and the Gold Driver Award, which recognizes contributions to ALMA International.

Roundtables & Panel—The symposium’s theme, “Product Development in the Global Paradigm: Acoustic Modeling, Measurement, and Manufacturing in the Modern Marketplace” will be closely examined in roundtable discussions with a panel discussion follow up. Steve Temme, Listen’s president, will facilitate the discussion on measurement. Dr. Alex Voishvillo, JBL Professional’s senior manager of Transducer Engineering, will facilitate the discussion on modeling. Dan Wiggins of Dyne Analytics will facilitate the discussion on manufacturing, and Ken Berger will facilitate the discussion on international business. Peter Andrews of Materion Electrofusion will moderate.

The ALMA Winter Symposium is the world’s largest event entirely dedicated to the loudspeaker industry. ALMA is the only international trade association dedicated to improving the design and manufacture of loudspeakers. Visit for more information, to register to attend, to exhibit, or to sponsor the symposium.

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About Vance Dickason
Vance Dickason has been working as a professional in the loudspeaker industry since 1974. A contributing editor to Speaker Builder magazine (now audioXpress) since 1986, in November 1987 he became editor of Voice Coil, the monthly Periodical for the Loudspeake... Read more

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