Undoubtedly the most important announcement for the brand since the company was sold to the Focusrite Group, the ADAM Audio A Series offers a powerful combination of technology, features and innovations. The A Series HPS (high-frequency propagation system) waveguide is constructed from resin and glass fibers, which are baked together under high temperatures to form a single piece that is specifically designed for the X-ART tweeter dispersion characteristics. The waveguide is not easily excited by unwanted vibrations or resonances, contributing toward internal damping. In the horizontal domain, the waveguide is designed to match the dispersion angle of the X-ART tweeter to the woofers and midrange drivers in the crossover region, and create a larger usable “sweet spot”. In the vertical domain, the waveguide’s design reduces energy arriving on the surfaces of significant studio furniture, such as mixing consoles, desks or even the ceiling.

A pair of each model will be up for grabs as the first and second prize, respectively, in the next ADAM Audio Soundtrack Competition, a contest promoted during May 2024 in the brand's social media accounts. The commemorative monitors will be available while stocks last.
ADAM Audio monitors have had a reputation for its sonic qualities ever since the company was co-founded by Klaus Heinz and Roland Stenz in 1999, in Berlin. ADAM Audio developed its eXtended Accelerating Ribbon Technology (X-ART) tweeter, based on the invention of the Air Motional Transformer by Oskar Heil. The acronym "ADAM" (Advanced Dynamic Audio Monitors) is also a reference to the Biblical figures Adam and Eve. Ironically, Roland Stenz left the company in 2010 to form EVE Audio. Klaus Heinz, which served as Managing Director and Head of Research & Development for many years, left the company after its bankruptcy to create Heinz ElectroDynamic Designs (HEDD Audio) in 2015. In 2019, ADAM Audio was acquired by British conglomerate Focusrite Group.