The AES67 standard was published on 11 September 2013. This article from audioXpress’ Standards Review column was published short after, in January 2014. The standards-development effort was supported by over 100 task group members many of whom are employees of prominent AV, broadcast and network equipment manufacturers, installers and users.
AES67 describes an interoperability mode between systems supporting high-performance audio over IP networks. Since AES67 is a standard based on existing standards, there is considerable experience amassed and engineering already completed that should serve to ease interoperability issues. AES67 goal was to develop an interoperability standard for high-performance professional digital audio IP networking. To define synchronization, encoding format and QoS provisions for delivering audio data and connection management functions associated with audio delivery.
The AES67 is currently promoted by the Media Network Alliance.
Read the full audioXpress article here.