Member Name: Bob Cordell
Location: Holmdel, NJ
Education: Bob has a MSEE from Stanford University, Stanford, CA, and a BSEE from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in Troy, NY.
Occupation: He is a retired electrical engineer.
Member Status: Bob said he has been subscribing to audioXpress “since the beginning of time.”
Affiliations: Bob retains memberships to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Audio Engineering Society (AES).
Audio Interests: He enjoys working on amplifiers, loudspeakers, and test equipment. He also spends his time authoring books and articles about his various audio projects.
Most Recent Purchase: Bob recently upgraded his equipment with an OPPO BDP-95 CD/SACD player.
Current Audio Projects: Bob is writing the second edition of his book, “Designing Audio Power Amplifiers,” and working on his website, www.cordellaudio.com.
Dream System: Bob said, “I am not a dreamer, I’m a builder.” His current system includes a 3.5-way active loudspeakers, each with four 125-W MOSFET power amplifiers built into the cabinets.