All items tagged with wireless connectivity (84)
CEVA Appoints Technology Industry Veteran Amir Panush as CEO Effective January 2023
WiSA Technologies Announces Program to License its Wireless Multichannel Audio Technology
Microchip Announces New Arm-Based PIC with Built-in Bluetooth Low Energy Connectivity
Nordic Semiconductor Announces Its First Wi-Fi Chip
Worldwide Wearable Shipments Will Reach 344 Million by the End of 2022
CEVA Celebrates 15 Billionth CEVA-powered Chip Shipped
Laird Connectivity Launches New SOM that Delivers Powerful NXP Edge Processing with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
Texas Instruments Announces Affordable CC2340 Bluetooth LE Wireless MCUs
NTi Audio Introduces XL3 Acoustic Analyzer and Sound Level Meter
Sound Hub Denmark Establishes Partnership Agreement with Product Development Specialists Develco