All items tagged with recording (202)
Merging Technologies Announces Anubis Multichannel AoIP Interface and Monitor Controller
LaChapell Audio Celebrates 20 Years with New 983 Tube Preamps
Home Studio and Pro Studio Markets Exceed $1.2 Billion in Combined Revenue, On Track For Sustained Growth
SPL of Germany Ships Crescendo 8-Channel Microphone Preamp Featuring 120V Technology
Preserving the Sound of Stradivarius for Future Generations
Lewitt Announces New LCT 040 MATCH and LCT 140 AIR Condenser Microphones
Celestion Introduces New Line of Digitally Downloadable Bass Impulse Responses
MAGIX Announces New Samplitude Pro X4 with Expanded Features and Tools
Audio Software Quo Vadis? Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Used in Audio Tools
Steinberg Unveils Cubase 10 Music Production Software