All items tagged with product development and simulation software (18)
Keysight Updates PathWave ADS Design and Simulation Software for Radio Frequency and Microwave Designers
COMSOL Expands Working Environment for Modeling and Simulation With New Model Manager Server
From Microspeakers to Room Acoustics: COMSOL Promotes Three Acoustics Simulation Online Events
COMSOL 6 For Speaker Design and Transducer Development Explained!
COMSOL Announces Event Series Introducing Version 6.0 of COMSOL Multiphysics Software
COMSOL Announces Multiphysics Version 6.0 with Valuable New Features in the Acoustics Module
APEI Modeling and Measurement Session Details Development Using Poroacoustic Simulation
Second Modeling and Measurement Webinar on Designing Audio Devices With Digital Twins Scheduled for October 27
New APEI Webinar Addresses the Use of Digital Twins for Architecting and Designing Audio Devices
Ansys Releases Discovery Design Software with Integrated Physics Simulation