All items tagged with product development and Bluetooth Low Energy (39)
Infineon Expands Support for Apple Find My Network Connected Devices
Ceva Bluetooth LE and 802.15.4 IPs Bring Ultra-Low Power Wireless Connectivity to Alif Semiconductor’s Balletto Family of MCUs
VeriSilicon Now Offers Fully Compliant Bluetooth LE Audio IP Solutions
IOT747 and AntennaWare Launch Reference Design for Wearable Applications
Specification Under Development Will Enable LC3plus High-Resolution Codec in Bluetooth LE Audio
Microchip Announces New Arm-Based PIC with Built-in Bluetooth Low Energy Connectivity
Silicon Labs Extends Portfolio for Matter and Wi-Fi at Developer Conference
SPARK Microsystems Shows Way-Forward for Wireless Audio Over UWB
Renesas Launches Highly Integrated Advanced Bluetooth Low Energy SoC
Renesas Develops World's Smaller and Lower Power Bluetooth Low Energy RF Transceiver