All items tagged with loudspeaker design (195)
COMSOL Announces Multiphysics Version 6.0 with Valuable New Features in the Acoustics Module
Klippel Announces dB-Lab Software Updates and New Virtual Lecture 2022 Event
Eminence Speaker Announces Global Standard Series for International Markets
Bowers & Wilkins Introduces 702 and 705 Signature Speakers in Midnight Blue Metallic Finish
Parameter Estimation and Box Simulation with Speakerbench (Part 2) - Introducing Speakerbench
Meridian Unveils Next Generation DSP8000 XE Digital Active Loudspeakers
DaS AuReality — 3D Loudspeaker Technology
Outline Announces Revamped ET Series Acoustic Measurement Turntables
KEF Celebrates 60th Anniversary With New Advanced Products to Be Announced in the Coming Months
Some Speaker Problems That Needed Solving