All items tagged with Rohde & Schwarz (10)
Rohde & Schwarz and Ceva Announce Over-the-Air Bluetooth Test Solution
Highly Anticipated Return for electronica 2022, November 15 to 18
Rohde & Schwarz and Cadence Combine EDA Simulation with Hardware Testing
HEAD acoustics and Rohde & Schwarz Test Voice over 5G New Radio Communication Quality
Rohde & Schwarz Joins the FiRa Consortium to Show Its Commitment to the Growing Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Ecosystem
Rohde & Schwarz Demystifying EMC conference goes virtual in 2021
Rohde & Schwarz Enables New Sub-THz Ultra Wideband Signal Analysis and Measurement Applications
Rohde & Schwarz and Decawave Cooperate to Develop Ultra Wideband Testing Capabilities
Rohde & Schwarz Presents Next Generation Test Solutions for Bluetooth Low Energy Up to Version 5.2
Rohde & Schwarz Introduces new RF and Audio Tests on Bluetooth Modules plus Enhanced Voice Service Codec for CMW500