Home working was not an option for the majority of people just a few weeks ago. Huge demands have been placed on businesses to adapt in the shortest possible time including, of course, that they have a functioning technical infrastructure. Whether it’s the selection of a suitable collaboration platform, the nationwide purchase of new hardware or the change in daily routines - all of these questions have needed quick answers so that operations could continue.
Employees have also been faced with new challenges, because few have previously had experience of mobile working, especially over longer periods. Simple things, such as an orderly morning routine or finding the right place for work, can become stumbling blocks for a functioning home office.
But many people are in the same situation and they are not the first to face these challenges. For a long time, Yamaha UC products have been used as the foundation for working from a home office, on the go and for video conferencing. The company has set up the new Work From Home website to help businesses and employees adapt as quickly and painlessly as possible.

It shares tips on the right choice of products, platforms and, of course, on their use. There are field reports and articles where businesses will find interesting information about building the right infrastructure, selecting suitable soft/hardware and advice about how to keep your team motivated.
In addition, it offers practical advice and experience to employees on how to make the home office a success, how to stay focused and even how conversations with customers via the Internet can be made to sound like you are in the same room.
Many people know that working from a home office is often made more difficult due to poor sound quality. With its range of resources, the Work From Home website can help to make things run more smoothly in these unprecedented times. It can be found at: www.europe.yamaha.com/workfromhome