“The 626x is the first integrated microphone preamplifier to fully bridge the gap from XLR to ADC. It’s the whole front-end on a chip,” says Ken Nevard, THAT’s IC Marketing Manager. “And, it uses 10 times less power than alternative solutions.”
Key features of the new THAT626x preamplifiers include:
Low noise: -127dBu Ein (max gain)
Wide Gain Range: -8 dB to +34 dB
Very Low Power 30 mW per channel
Integrated ADC driver
Unipolar +10V or Bipolar +/-5V power supplies
Daisy Chainable SPI Interface
Small 7mm x 7mm QFN48 Package
All three parts accept up to +16.5dBu input signals, and directly drive common 5 V ADCs to 2 Vrms full-scale. The parts offer very low noise and click-less gain switching, along with on-board zero-crossing detectors (ZCDs). Two general-purpose outputs (GPOs) per channel may be synchronized with that channel’s ZCD.
“With such low power consumption, the 626x is ideal for battery and Power-over-Ethernet (POE) applications,” adds Nevard. “It enables professional audio applications for The Internet of Things (IoT).”
“The 626x family breaks new ground because it’s THAT’s first all-in-one digitally controlled preamp,” explains Les Tyler, THAT’s President. “We applied everything we’ve learned from our many separate preamp and controller parts to set a new bar for the category.”
The 626x is available immediately. Pricing starts at $4.56 at 1k pieces (6266). A demonstration board is available to enable quick evaluation.