Tang Band Speakers

New Driver Technology from Fibona Acoustics

September 6 2017, 05:00
Fibona Acoustics, founded in 2015 and headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, has introduced a new patented driver technology Enclosure Magnet Coaxial Transducer (EMCT). EMCT was developed by Milad Kahfizadeh, an industry veteran with more than 20 years of experience in acoustic design. Kahfizadeh is a seasoned Acoustic Engineer and inventor who has been designing speakers for almost two decades. Throughout his career, Kahfizadeh has gained significant experience and numerous accolades, both in Europe and China. He has also worked for several companies as Senior Design Engineer, Research Engineer, Director of Applications, Sales, and Worldwide Directorship of Product Management, including Peerless (Denmark), Avance International, Gamut, Danish Sound Technology (Peerless, Vifa, and Scan-Speak), Tymphany Denmark, SB Acoustics, and GN Netcom (Jabra).
Figure 1: The patented Fibona Acoustics EMCT transducer.

With a multiple patented design that borrows from nature (the Fibonacci spiral molded into the cone), the EMCT design has a shallow coaxial design of the diaphragm, a self-containing enclosure, and high sensitivity using a neodymium magnet (see Figure 1).

The EMCT transducer in its current incarnation is an outside, edge-driven 4” diameter cone with a response from about 150 Hz to 10 kHz. Figure 2 shows a cutaway drawing of the transducer and Figure 3 shows and exploded view. The EMCT’s configuration is unique in that it reverses the more normal spider and surround attachment locations, such that the spider attaches to the outer rim of the cone (along with the voice coil) and a surround attaches to the cone neck joint. This results in a rather shallow design that incorporates enough air volume to create a usable enclosure for the cone diaphragm.
Figure 2: A cutaway view of the Fibona EMCT coax driver.
Figure 3: An exploded view of the Fibona EMCT coax driver.

With a depth of about 1.5”, applications for this device include wireless speakers, automotive in-door speakers, flat-panel TV speakers, and any application that calls for an extremely shallow depth.
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About Vance Dickason
Vance Dickason has been working as a professional in the loudspeaker industry since 1974. A contributing editor to Speaker Builder magazine (now audioXpress) since 1986, in November 1987 he became editor of Voice Coil, the monthly Periodical for the Loudspeake... Read more

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