Now more than ever, the Loudspeaker Industry Sourcebook (LIS) is the most important resource for the loudspeaker industry! LIS and specifically its printed edition has been published every year for the past 24 years. Of course, this year has been one of the most challenging years, but the audio industry is stronger together and this LIS 2020 edition shows just that.
As businesses reopen across the globe and supply chains are reshaped, LIS 2020 has been planned and structured to foster great business opportunities. More and more industry professionals are now familiar with LIS and its online directory format, available at www.loudspeakerindustrysourcebook.com, which continuously evolves as the year-round reference resource for everyone working in R&D, manufacturing, sourcing, product management, technical support, marketing, or sales in the loudspeaker and related industries.
Remember, if your company is not listed, make sure to complete one of the online forms. The data is supplied by the companies directly. This is a time when local contacts and insider knowledge are more important than ever, and LIS is an essential first tool for contacts.
But this annual publication is also a valuable resource for essential knowledge. Our editorial team has compiled a valuable series of high-quality Industry Reports and Features covering many audio industry-related topics from known industry experts.

And we celebrate some of the achievements by companies and industry experts — including Listen, Inc.’s 25th anniversary, which is also our cover highlight! For this edition of LIS 2020, Steve Temme outlines the changing landscape of the industry over the past quarter century, and discusses how test and measurement companies such as Listen, Inc. have evolved to keep pace with these trends.
Please enjoy this 2020 edition of the Loudspeaker Industry Sourcebook!
Now available at www.gotomylis.com
Access the flip-book edition to read online, or download the PDF.
And for Voice Coil and audioXpress print subscribers, the LIS 2020 printed edition is on its way!
Our annual Loudspeaker Industry Sourcebook (LIS 2020) directory also corresponds to our interactive website, available at: www.loudspeakerindustrysourcebook.com