Now, in reaction to the worsening situation related to the COVID-19 global pandemic that is bringing Europe again into lockdown throughout the Winter, and is devastating the United States, and given the predictable timetable for a vaccine being distributed around April 2021, the High End Society Service Gmbh, promoters of the High End show in Munich have decided to move the dates from May to September, for added reassurance. High End 2021 and the newly announced International Parts+Supply (IPS) expansion will now take place September 9-12, 2021.

By choosing these later dates, the organizer of the event is taking a huge step towards a successful relaunch of the trade show and also increasing planning reliability for all parties involved. The new OEM show IPS will also move to September and will take place from September 9-10, in the MOC Munich alongside the High End show.
"The High End Society Service GmbH feels that it is necessary to take this step despite receiving an extremely positive number of bookings and implementing a comprehensive hygiene and infection protection concept. We are gaining four months, which will provide our clients from outside of Germany in particular with more time to reliably plan their participation," explains Managing Director Stefan Dreischärf.
At the end of September, Dreischärf and his team sent out invitations to the High End 2021 which was scheduled for May. They have been continuously receiving bookings ever since, with uninterrupted demand displaying similar tendencies to that of last year’s event. Nonetheless, the organizer is also receiving worried enquiries on a daily basis, namely from trade show participants expressing growing concerns regarding the new significant increase in cases of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus worldwide. Strict travel and quarantine requirements are causing exhibitors from abroad in particular to hesitate given that they cannot yet foresee when these restrictions will be lifted.
The latest news on a highly promising vaccine has now increased the likelihood that the spread of the coronavirus will slow down significantly. "In light of this positive prospect, there’s every reason to believe that the effects of an immunization will be much more prominent in the late summer of 2021 than in May. We therefore expect that by then, virtually no more limitations will apply to international travel," adds Dreischärf.
For exhibitors and visitors from outside of Germany, the later dates of the event therefore make the entire planning of the trade show much easier – without the current concerns and with more scope for decision-making until the new registration deadline at the end of March 2021.
The organizer of the world’s leading audio trade show has spent the past few months working on new concepts to ensure that exhibitors can be provided with the optimal conditions for successful business despite the pandemic and that all parties involved can feel safe and at ease. “We strongly believe that live trade shows are still absolutely essential for the audio industry and are doing everything possible to continue our success story," emphasizes Dreischärf. The organizer is, however, also aware of the huge responsibility involved in ensuring the smooth running of an event that revolves around personal contact without any concerns.
"Nobody can predict the future," he states. "We do, however, have to assume that the infection protection measures will continue to influence many aspects of life and business next year."

The Original Plan for 2021
"After an extraordinary year, the circumstances for the High End 2021 show have changed," the promoters say. "The next edition will provide an important platform on which exhibitors from all over the world can set the course for the future of the industry."
"Manufacturers, distributors and service providers are invited to come to the event and again showcase exclusive products and innovations to a live audience. This possibility has not been available for quite some time after the coronavirus pandemic forced the entire world, including the trade show industry, to grind to a halt. The past few months have changed the world. The spread of a virus and all of the shared efforts to contain it have had far-reaching consequences for society on the whole and for each individual," states the High End Society press release.
"It soon became clear that we couldn’t simply carry on from where we left off," says Stefan Dreischärf, Managing Director of the High End Society Service GmbH, promoter of the show. "With the knowledge that the next High End will be the first international audio trade show after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, there were many new aspects to consider when planning the event."
Over the past few weeks, Stefan Dreischärf and his team have worked together to develop and implement a multitude of innovative ideas. "We have made the most of the opportunities that have arisen from this unprecedented situation," he confirms. "We are convinced that even under changed conditions, the High End can offer every possibility for successful business and also provide visitors with an exciting and interesting experience at the same time."
As a result, the trade show expert has decided to strengthen the focus on B2B for the future of the leading international audio show. In 2021, the event will therefore feature not one, but two trade visitor days. This will not only help to disperse the flow of visitors but also enable customer meetings to take place without being pressed for time. With its motto of "quality before quantity", the event will again pave the way for successful business relationships. Well-established side events such as Soundsclever and the High End Kolleg will also take place alongside the trade show in May.

The High End Society Service GmbH will also be hosting the new supplier trade show IPS – International Parts + Supply for the first time next year. Taking place in a separate area of the MOC Event Center in parallel with the High End 2021, the event will offer manufacturers of supply parts and service providers for the audio industry the opportunity to showcase their products and services in their own area.
Next year, the two events will be extremely important for both visitors and exhibitors who have been denied the opportunity to participate in a trade show for months on end. Several adjustments have had to be made, including a stronger focus on B2B in the future. The new supplier trade show IPS offers exhibitors an ideal platform for establishing direct contact with their customers and showcasing their products in a presentation tailored to their target group. Both days of the event will therefore only be open to trade visitors.
“The aim is to bring together the entire value chain and the industry in one single location in which business relationships can be established quickly and easily”, states the man behind the event, Stefan Dreischärf. The OEM trade show offers exhibitors the ideal opportunity to present services ranging from manufacturing right through to maintenance for audio equipment such as cables, chassis and more. Exhibiting companies can immensely benefit from the opportunities available at the MOC Event Center in Munich because the customers are already there.
According to Dreischärf, "the IPS is the perfect addition to the High End. It brings together what belongs together." Given that the High End 2021 is also exclusively open to trade visitors on its first two days, there will be plenty of opportunities for B2B meetings to be planned with no stress and without being pressed for time. The extended opening hours of the IPS will also give exhibitors at the High End the chance to look for suitable supplier companies or attend meetings at the accompanying trade show after the HIGH END has closed for the day.
Safety in all respects
In order to continue to host successful events even in times of COVID-19, the organizer is taking the best possible precautions to protect the health of all parties involved. It is implementing all necessary measures required in the case of a lasting risk of infection with SARS-CoV2 in close consultation with the MOC Munich and the responsible authorities and carrying them out with the utmost care.
Larger minimum sizes for exhibition stands, wider aisles and clearly marked routes through the halls are all designed to guarantee that everyone will feel safe and comfortable at the exhibition venue. A workable and flexible hygiene and infection prevention concept will ensure that the trade show can take place under the changed general conditions with no concerns.

"The High End Society Service GmbH is looking forward to a successful year 2021 with a new High End trade show that will raise the bar in times of and after COVID-19. The High End, the internationally renowned audio trade show, is the undisputed leader when it comes to impressively setting the tone for top-class music reproduction. It has been providing ideas and impetus for producers, sellers and consumers of high-quality consumer electronics for four decades," the promoters add.

IPS 2021 - The International OEM Show for the Audio Industry
MOC München - Lilienthalallee 40
80939 München-Freimann
High End - September 9 to 12, 2021
IPS - September 9 and 10, 2021
High End Society Service GmbH
Vorm Eichholz 2g
42119 Wuppertal
Tel: +49 202 702022
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