A select group of leading technologists, scientists, developers and users in the sound reinforcement industry will gather to discuss the latest innovations in sound amplification and control systems for live performance, to share their insight on current and advanced techniques and technologies, and to present their visions for the future of the industry.
The program will include tutorials, papers and workshops covering topics of practical approaches to system design; case study analysis; and the measurement, optimization, installation, and testing of sound systems. Topics to be addressed include Sound Reinforcement in Arenas, Stadiums, Theaters, Houses of Worship and Auditoria; Bass Frequency Control; Active Array Techniques; Measurement Techniques & Equipment; Sound System Optimization; Audio Control Systems & Networks; Hearing & Hearing Conservation; Case Histories; Assistive Listening Installations & Technology; Wireless Technology; Electronic Architecture & Reverberation Enhancement; Advances in Transducer and Component Technologies; and more.
Attendees and participants will include sound system designers, users and installers; speech reinforcement and public address engineers; venue and touring systems technical staff and operators; sound system installation, testing and verification engineers; sound systems equipment designers and manufacturers; audio network systems specialists and users; acousticians and theater consultants; and students in associated areas such as theater, music, technology, audio engineering, and electro-acoustics.
“This is a great opportunity to experience much of the leading-edge technology in the field, and to interact with the folks that make it work,” states George Massenburg, 59th AES International Conference Organizing Committee. “And all of this happens in Montreal at the best time of the year!”
For more information, or to register for the Conference, visit http://www.aes.org/conferences/59/