All items tagged with product development (903)
XMOS Delivers Amazon Alexa Voice Service Development Kit with Linear Mic Array for Far-Field Voice Capture
Zound Industries Selects Frontier Silicon for its New Marshall Branded Multi-Room Speakers
Cypress Releases PSoC 6 BLE Pioneer Kit and Supporting PSoC Creator 4.2 IDE
STMicroelectronics Introduces BlueNRG-MESH Bluetooth Mesh Networking Software Development Kit
Audio Precision Introduces Next-Generation APx Bluetooth Duo Module Introduces PocketBeagle $25 Development Board
Dusun Electron Announces New Bluetooth Audio Module for Smart Speakers and Voice-Based Assistants
Texas Instruments Introduces Unique SWIFT DC/DC Converter with Integrated Switching Frequency Compensation
Telit Introduces Bluetooth 4.2 Host Controller Interface Module with Integrated Chip Antenna
Fraunhofer IIS and Analog Devices showcase MPEG-H Audio and Fraunhofer upHear Immersive Soundbar Virtualizer at CEDIA 2017