All items written by audioXpress Staff
New Listen Seminars in Boston and Chicago on Testing Smart Speakers, Voice Controlled Devices, Automotive Audio and More
New EX378B02 Microphone from PCB Piezotronics for Measurements in Hazardous Areas
audioXpress July 2018 is Now Online and You Don't Want to Miss This One!
InfoComm 2018 Sets New Records for Size, Attendance in Las Vegas
AKM Releases AK1574 Fractional-N PLL Synthesizer with VCO Capable to Replace Variable Capacitance Diode Configurations
Sennheiser Wireless Now Dante Domain Manager Ready
Avid Delivers Live Immersive Audio Solutions for Avid Venue S6L at InfoComm 2018
Allen & Heath Goes Large With SQ-7 96kHz SQ Series Digital Mixing Console
Microchip Increases System Performance in Closed-loop Control Applications with New PIC and AVR MCUs
CloviFi WiFi Audio Transmitter Impresses at InfoComm 2018